[icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Pope Francis”]

266th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13,19.III.2013-present
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina)[/icon_timeline_feat]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XVI”]

265th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19,24.IV.2005-28.II.2013
Joseph Ratzinger
Born in Marktl am Inn (Bavaria)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John Paul II”]

264th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16,22.X.1978-2.IV.2005
Karol Wojtyła
Born in Wadowice (Kraków)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John Paul I”]

263th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.VIII, 3.IX.1978-28.IX.1978
Albino Luciani
Born in Forno di Canale (Belluno)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul VI”]

262th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21,30.VI.1963-6.VIII.1978
Giovanni Battista Montini
Born in Concesio (Brescia)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XXIII”]

261th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 28.X, 4.XI.1958-3.VI.1963
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
Born in Sotto il Monte (Bergamo)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius XII”]

260th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,12.III.1939-9.X.1958
Eugenio Pacelli
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius XI”]

259th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6,12.II.1922-10.II.1939
Achille Ratti
Born in Desio (Milan)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XV”]

258th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3,6.IX.1914-22.I.1922
Giacomo della Chiesa
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius X”]

257th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 4,9.VIII.1903-20.VIII.1914
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto
Born in Riese (Treviso)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo XIII”]

256th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 20.II, 3.III.1878-20.VII.1903
Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci
Born in Carpineto Romano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius IX”]

255th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16,21.VI.1846-7.II.1878
Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti
Born in Senigallia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XVI”]

254th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,6.II.1831-1.VI.1846
Bartolomeo Alberto (Mauro) Cappellari
Born in Belluno[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius VIII”]

253th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 31.III, 5.IV.1829-30.XI.1830
Francesco Saverio Castiglioni
Born in Cingoli[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo XII”]

252th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 28.IX, 5.X.1823-10.II.1829
Annibale della Genga
Born in Monticelli di Genga (Fabriano)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius VII”]

251th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 14,21.III.1800-20.VIII.1823
Barnaba (Gregorio) Chiaramonti
Born in Cesena[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius VI”]

250th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15,22.II.1775-29.VIII.1799
Giannangelo Braschi
Born in Cesena[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement XIV”]

249th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19,28.V, 4.VI.1769-22.IX.1774
Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio (Lorenzo) Ganganelli
Born in Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement XIII”]

248th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6,16.VII.1758-2.II.1769
Carlo Rezzonico
Born in Venice[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XIV”]

247th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17,22.VIII.1740-3.V.1758
Prospero Lambertini
Born in Bologna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement XII”]

246th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12,16.VII.1730-6.II.1740
Lorenzo Corsini
Born in Florence[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XIII”]

245th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.V, 4.VI.1724-21.II.1730
Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini
Born in Gravina[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent XIII”]

244th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 8,18.V.1721-7.III.1724
Michelangelo Conti
Born in Poli[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement XI”]

243th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 23,30.XI, 8.XII.1700-19.III.1721
Giovanni Francesco Albani
Born in Urbino[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent XII”]

242th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12,15.VII.1691-27.IX.1700
Antonio Pignatelli
Born in Spinazzola[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander VIII”]

241th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6,16.X.1689-1.II.1691
Pietro Ottoboni
Born in Venice[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent XI”]

240th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21.IX, 4.X.1676-12.VIII.1689
Benedetto Odescalchi
Born in Como[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement X”]

239th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.IV,11.V.1670-22.VII.1676
Emilio Altieri
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement IX”]

238th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 20,26.VI.1667-9.XII.1669
Giulio Rospigliosi
Born in Pistoia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander VII”]

237th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7,18.IV.1655-22.V.1667
Fabio Chigi
Born in Siena[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent X”]

236th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15.IX,4.X.1644-7.I.1655
Giovanni Battista Pamphilj
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban VIII”]

235th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6.VIII, 29.IX.1623-29.VII.1644
Maffeo Barberini
Born in Florence[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XV”]

234th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 9,14.II.1621-8.VII.1623
Alessandro Ludovisi
Born in Bologna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul V”]

233th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16,29.V.1605-28.I.1621
Camillo Borghese
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo XI”]

232th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1,10.IV.1605-27.IV.1605
Alessandro de’ Medici
Born in Florence[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement VIII”]

231th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.I,9.II.1592-3.III.1605
Ippolito Aldobrandini
Born in Fano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent IX”]

230th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.X,3.XI.1591-30.XII.1591
Giovan Antonio Facchinetti
Born in Bologna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XIV”]

229th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5,8.XII.1590-16.X.1591
Niccolò Sfondrati
Born in Somma Lombarda[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban VII”]

228th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15.IX.1590-27.IX.1590
Giambattista Castagna
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sixtus V”]

227th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.IV, 1.V.1585-27.VIII.1590
Felice Peretti
Born in Grottammare (Ascoli Piceno)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XIII”]

226th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13,25.V.1572-10.IV.1585
Ugo Boncompagni
Born in Bologna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius V”]

225th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7,17.I.1566-1.V.1572
Antonio (Michele) Ghisleri
Born in Bosco (Alessandria)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius IV”]

224th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.XII.1559, 6.I.1560-9.XII.1565
Giovan Angelo Medici
Born in Milan[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul IV”]

223th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 23,26.V.1555-18.VIII.1559
Gian Pietro Carafa
Born in Capriglia (Avellino)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Marcellus II”]

222th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 9,10.IV.1555-1.V.1555
Marcello Cervini
Born in Montefano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Julius III”]

221th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7,22.II.1550-23.III.1555
Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul III”]

220th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13.X, 3.XI.1534-10.XI.1549
Alessandro Farnese
Born in Canino (Viterbo)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement VII”]

219th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19,26.XI.1523-25.IX.1534
Giulio de’ Medici
Born in Florence[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian VI”]

218th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 9.I,31.VIII.1522-14.IX.1523
Adriaan Florensz
Born in Utrecht[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo X”]

217th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11,19.III.1513-1.XII.1521
Giovanni de’ Medici
Born in Florence[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Julius II”]

216th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1,26.XI.1503-21.II.1513
Giuliano della Rovere
Born in Albisola (Savona)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius III”]

215th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.IX, 1,8.X.1503-18.X.1503
Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini
Born in Siena[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander VI”]

214th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11,26.VIII.1492-18.VIII.1503
Rodrigo de Borja
Born in Játiva (Valencia)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent VIII”]

213th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.VIII, 12.IX.1484-25.VII.1492
Giovanni Battista Cibo
Born in Genoa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sixtus IV”]

212th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1,9,25.VIII.1471-12.VIII.1484
Francesco della Rovere
Born in Celle (Savona)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul II”]

211th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.VIII, 16.IX.1464-26.VII.1471
Pietro Barbo
Born in Venice[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius II”]

210th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.VIII, 3.IX.1458-14.VIII.1464
Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Born in Corsignano (Siena)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Callixtus III”]

209th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 8,20.IV.1455-6.VIII.1458
Alonso Borja
Born in Torre de Canals, Játiva (Valencia)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Nicholas V”]

208th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6,19.III.1447-24.III.1455
Tommaso Parentucelli
Born in Sarzana[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eugene IV”]

207th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3,11.III.1431-23.II.1447
Gabriele Condulmer
Born in Venice[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Martin V”]

206th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11,21.XI.1417-20.II.1431
Oddone Colonna
Born in Genazzano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XII”]

205th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.XI,19.XII.1406-4.VII.1415
Angelo Correr
Born in Venice[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent VII”]

204th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.X,11.XI.1404-6.XI.1406
Cosma Migliorati
Born in Sulmona[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface IX”]

203th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,9.XI.1389-1.X.1404
Pietro Tomacelli
Born in Naples[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban VI”]

202th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 8,18.IV.1378-15.X.1389
Bartolomeo Prignano
Born in Naples[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory XI”]

201th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.XII.1370, 3.I.1371-26.III.1378
Pierre Roger de Beaufort
Born in Rosiers d’Egletons (Limousin)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban V”]

200th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 28.IX,6.XI.1362-19.XII.1370
Guillaume Grimoard
Born in Grizac (Southern France)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent VI”]

199th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18,30.XII.1352-12.IX.1362
Étienne Aubert
Born in Monts (Limousin)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement VI”]

198th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7,19.V.1342-6.XII.1352
Pierre Roger
Born in Maumont (Limousin)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XII”]

197th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 20.XII.1334, 8.I.1335-25.IV.1342
Jacques Fournier
Born in Saverdun (Southern France)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XXII”]

196th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7.VIII,5.IX.1316-4.XII.1334
Jacques Duèse
Born in Cahors[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement V”]

195th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5.VI, 14.XI.1305-20.IV.1314
Bertrand de Got
Born in Villandraut (Gironde)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict XI”]

194th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22,27.X.1303-7.VII.1304
Niccolò di Boccasio
Born in Treviso[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface VIII”]

193th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.XII.1294, 23.I.1295-11.X.1303
Benedetto Caetani
Born in Anagni[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Celestine V”]

192th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5.VII, 29.VIII.1294-13.XII.1294
Pietro del Morrone
Born in Molise[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Nicholas IV”]

191th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.II.1288-4.IV.1292
Born in Lisciano (Ascoli PIceno)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Honorius IV”]

190th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2.IV, 20.V.1285-3.IV.1287
Giacomo Savelli
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Martin IV”]

189th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.II,23.III.1281-29.III.1285
Simon de Brie or of Brion or of Mainpincien
Born in France[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Nicholas III”]

188th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.XI, 26.XII.1277-22.VIII.1280
Giovanni Gaetano Orsini
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XXI”]

187th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16,20.IX.1276-20.V.1277
Pedro Julião or Pedro Hispano
Born in Lisbon[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian V”]

186th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11.VII.1276-18.VIII.1276
Ottobono Fieschi
Born in Genoa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent V”]

185th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21.I,22.II.1276-22.VI.1276
Pierre De Tarentaise
Born in Savoy[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory X”]

184th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.IX.1271,27.III.1272-10.I.1276
Tebaldo Visconti
Born in Piacenza[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement IV”]

183th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5,22.II.1265-29.XI.1268
Gui Foulques
Born in Saint-Gilles (Southern French)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban IV”]

182th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.VIII,4.IX.1261-2.X.1264
Jacques Pantaléon
Born in Troyes[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander IV”]

181th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12,20.XII.1254-25.V.1261
Rinaldo di Jenne
Born in Jenne (Rome)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent IV”]

180th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25,28.VI.1243-7.XII.1254
Sinibaldo Fieschi
Born in Lavagna (Genoa)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Celestine IV”]

179th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25,28.X.1241-10.XI.1241
Goffredo da Castiglione
Born in Milan[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory IX”]

178th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19,21.III.1227-22.VIII.1241
Ugolino di Segni
Born in Anagni[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Honorius III”]

177th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18,24.VII.1216-18.III.1227
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent III”]

176th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 8.I,22.II.1198-16.VII.1216
Lotario dei conti di Segni
Born in Gavignano (Rome)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Celestine III”]

175th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 10,14.IV.1191-8.I.1198
Giacinto Bobone
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement III”]

174th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19,20.XII.1187-…III.1191
Paolo Scolari
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory VIII”]

173th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21.25.X.1187-17.XII.1187
Alberto di Morra
Born in Benevento[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban III”]

172th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.XI,1.XII.1185-20.X.1187
Umberto Crivelli
Born in Milan[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Lucius III”]

171th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1. 6.IX.1181-25.IX.1185
Ubaldo Allucingoli
Born in Lucca[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander III”]

170th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 7,20.IX.1159-30.VIII.1181
Rolando Bandinelli
Born in Siena[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian IV”]

169th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 4,5.XII.1154-1.IX.1159
Nicholas Breakspear
Born in Abbot’s Lagnley (Hertfordshire)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anastasius IV”]

168th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.VII.1153-3.XII.1154
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eugene III”]

167th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15,18.II.1145-8.VII.1153
Born in Pisa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Lucius II”]

166th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.III.1144-15.II.1145
Born in Bologna[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Celestine II”]

165th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.IX,3.X.1143-8.III.1144
Born in Città di Castello[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent II”]

164th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 14,23.II.1130-24.IX.1143
Gregorio Papareschi
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Honorius II”]

163th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15,21.XII.1124-13 or 14.II.1130
Lamberto Scannabecchi
Born in Fiagnano (Imola)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Callixtus II”]

162th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,9.II.1119-13 or 14.XII.1124
Guy of Burgundy
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gelasius II”]

161th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.I,10.III.1118-28.I.1119
Giovanni Caetani
Born in Gaeta[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paschal II”]

160th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13,14.VIII.1099-21.I.1118
Born in Bleda or Galeata[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban II”]

159th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.III.1088-29.VII.1099
Odo of Lagery
Born in Châtillon-sur-Marne[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Victor III”]

158th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.V.1086, 9.V.1087-16.IX.1087
Dauferio (Desiderio)
Born in Benevento[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory VII”]

157th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.IV,30.VI.1073-25.V.1085
Born in Tuscia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander II”]

156th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.IX, 1.X.1061-21.IV.1073
Born in Baggio (Milano)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Nicholas II”]

155th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …XII.1058, 24.I.1059-27.VII.1061
Born in Bourgogne[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen IX”]

154th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,3.VIII.1057-29.III.1058
Frédéric de Lorraine
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Victor II”]

153th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13.IV.1055-28.VII.1057
Gebhard Of Dollnstein-hirschberg
Born in Swabia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo IX”]

152th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2,12.II.1049-19.IV.1054
Bruno of Eguisheim-Dagsburg
Born in Alsace[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Damasus II”]

151th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.VII.1048-9.VIII.1048
Born in Tyrol[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict IX”]

150th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …X.1047-… VIII.1048
Theophylactus of Tusculum
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement II”]

149th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.XII.1046-9.X.1047
Suidger, Graf von Morsleben und Hornburg
Born in Saxony[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory VI”]

148th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.V.1045-20.XII.1046
Giovanni Graziano
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict IX”]

147th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 10.III.1045-1.V.1045
Theophylactus of Tusculum
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sylvester III”]

146th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13 or 20.I.1045-…III.1045
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict IX”]

145th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …VIII or IX.1032-…IX.1044
Theophylactus of Tusculum
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XIX”]

144th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.IV.1024-…1032
Romano dei conti di Tuscolo
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict VIII”]

143th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18.V.1012-9.IV.1024
Teofilatto dei conti di Tuscolo
Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sergius IV”]

142th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 31.VII.1009-12.V.1012
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XVIII”]

141th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.XII.1003-…VI or VII.1009
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XVII”]

140th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16.V.1003-6.XI.1003
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sylvester II”]

139th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2.IV.999-12.V.1003
Born in Aquitaine[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory V”]

138th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3.V.996-…II or III.999
Bruno of Carinthia
Born in Saxony[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XV”]

137th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …VIII.985-…III.996

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XIV”]

136th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …XI or XII.983-20.VIII.984
Born in Pavia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict VII”]

135th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …X.974-10.VII.983

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict VI”]

134th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …XII.972, 19.I.973-…VII.974

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XIII”]

133th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.X.965-6.IX.972

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict V”]

132th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …V.964-4.VII.964 or 965

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo VIII”]

131th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 4,6.XII.963-…III.965

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XII”]

130th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16.XII.955-14.V.964
Born in Counts of Tusculum[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Agapetus II”]

129th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 10.V.946-…XII.955

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Marinus II”]

128th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.X,…XI.942-…V.946

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen VIII”]

127th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 14.VII.939-… X.942

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo VII”]

126th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …I.936-13.VII.939

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John XI”]

125th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …III.931-…I.936

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen VII”]

124th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …I.929-…II.931

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo VI”]

123th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … V or VI.928-… XII.928 or I.929

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John X”]

122th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … III or IV.914-… V or VI.928

Born in Tossignano (Imola)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Lando”]

121th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VII or XI.913-… III.914

Born in Sabina[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anastasius III”]

120th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VI or IX.911-… VI or VIII or X.913

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sergius III”]

119th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.I.904-14.IV.911

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo V”]

118th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VII.903-… IX.903

Born in Ardea[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict IV”]

117th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …I-V.900-…VII.903

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John IX”]

116th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: ..XII.897 or I.898-…I-V.900

Born in Tivoli[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Theodore II”]

115th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …XII.897-…XII.897 or I.898

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Romanus”]

114th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …VII or VIII.897-…XI.897

Born in Gallese[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen VI”]

113th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …V or VI.896-…VII or VIII.897

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface VI”]

112th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11.IV.896-26.IV.896

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Formosus”]

111th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6.X.891-4.IV.896

Born in Bishop of Portus[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen V”]

110th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …IX.885-14.IX.891

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian III”]

109th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.V.884-…VIII or IX.885

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Marinus I”]

108th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … XII.882-15.V.884

Born in Gallese[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John VIII”]

107th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 14.XII.872-16.XII.882

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian II”]

106th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 14.XII.867-…XI or XII.872

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Nicholas I”]

105th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.IV.858-13.XI.867

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict III”]

104th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …VII, 29.IX.855-17.IV.858

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo IV”]

103th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: …I,10.V.847-17.VII.855

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sergius II”]

102th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.I.844-27.I.847

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory IV”]

101th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … IX.827, 29.III.828-25.I.844

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Valentine”]

100th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VIII.827-…IX.827

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eugene II”]

99th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … II-V.824-…VIII.827

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paschal I”]

98th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.I.817-… II-V.824

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen IV”]

97th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.VI.816-24.I.817

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo III”]

96th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26,27.XII.795-12.VI.816

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adrian I”]

95th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1,9.II.772-25.XII.795

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen III”]

94th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1,7.VIII.768-24.I.772

Born in Sicily[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Paul I”]

93th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … IV, 29.V.757-28.VI.767

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen II”]

92th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.III.752-26.IV.757

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Zachary”]

91th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3.XII.741-15.III.752

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory III”]

90th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18.III.731-28.XI.741

Born in Syria[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory II”]

89th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.V.715-11.II.731

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Constantine”]

88th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.III.708-9.IV.715

Born in Syria[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sisinnius”]

87th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15.I.708-4.II.708

Born in Syria[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John VII”]

86th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.III.705-18.X.707

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John VI”]

85th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.X.701-11.I.705

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sergius I”]

84th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15.XII.687-7.IX.701

Born in Syria[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Conon”]

83th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 23.X.686-21.IX.687

Born in Unknown[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John V”]

82th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 23.VII.685-2.VIII.686

Born in Syria[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict II”]

81th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.VI.684-8.V.685

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo II”]

80th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … I.681, 17.VIII.682-3.VII.683

Born in Sicily[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Agatho”]

79th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 27.VI.678-10.I.681

Born in Sicily[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Donus”]

78th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2.XI.676-11.IV.678

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Adeodatus II”]

77th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 11.IV.672-16.VI.676

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Vitalian”]

76th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.VII.657-27.I.672

Born in Segni[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eugene I”]

75th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 10.VIII.654-2.VI.657

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Martin I”]

74th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5.VII.649-16.IX.655

Born in Todi[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Theodore I”]

73th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.X, 24.XI.642-14.V.649

Born in Jerusalem[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John IV”]

72th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VIII, 24.XII.640-12.X.642

Born in Dalmatia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Severinus”]

71th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … X.638, 28.V.640-2.VIII.640

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Honorius I”]

70th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 27.X.625-12.X.638

Born in Campania[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface V”]

69th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 23.XII.619-23.X.625

Born in Naples[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Deusdedit or Adeodatus I”]

68th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.X.615-8.XI.618

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface IV”]

67th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 25.VIII.608-8.V.615

Born in Marsican territory[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface III”]

66th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.II.607-10.XI.607

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sabinian”]

65th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … III, 13.IX.604-22.II.606

Born in Blera, Tuscia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gregory I”]

64th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3.IX.590-12.III.604

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pelagius II”]

63th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 26.XI.579-7.II.590

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Benedict I”]

62th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2.VI.575-30.VII.579

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John III”]

61th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.VII.561-13.VII.574
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pelagius I”]

60th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 16.IV.556-4.III.561

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Vigilius”]

59th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.III.537-7.VI.555

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Silverius”]

58th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 8.VI.536-… 537

Born in Frosinone[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Agapetus I”]

57th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13.V.535-22.IV.536

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John II”]

56th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 31.XII.532, 2.I.533-8.V.535
Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface II”]

55th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 20 o 22.IX.530-17.X.532

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Felix IV”]

54th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.VII.526-20 or 22.IX.530

Born in Samnium[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope John I”]

53th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13.VIII.523-18.V.526

Born in Tuscia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Hormisdas”]

52th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 20.VII.514-6.VIII.523

Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Symmachus”]

51th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.XI.498-19.VII.514

Born in Sardinia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anastasius II”]

50th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 24.XI.496-19.XI.498

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Gelasius I”]

49th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.III.492-21.XI.496

Born in Africa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Felix III”]

48th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 13.III.483-25.II o 1.III.492

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Simplicius”]

47th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 3.III.468-10.III.483

Born in Tivoli[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Hilarius”]

46th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 19.XI.461-29.II.468

Born in Sardinia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Leo I”]

45th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 29.IX.440-10.XI.461

Born in Tuscia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sixtus III”]

44th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 31.VII.432-19.VIII.440

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Celestine I”]

43th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 10.IX.422-27.VII.432

Born in Campania[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Boniface I”]

42th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 28,29.XII.418-4.IX.422

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Zosimus”]

41th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18.III.417-26.XII.418

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Innocent I”]

40th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.XII.401-12.III.417

Born in Albano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anastasius I”]

39th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 27.XI.399-19.XII.401

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Siricius”]

38th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 15 o 22 o 29.XII.384-26.XI.399

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Damasus I”]

37th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 1.X.366-11.XII.384

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Liberius”]

36th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.V.352-24.IX.366

Born in Romano[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Julius I”]

35th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6.II.337-12.IV.352

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Mark”]

34th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18.I.336-7.X.336

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sylvester I”]

33th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 31.I.314-31.XII.335

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Miltiades or Melchiades”]

32th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 2.VII.311-10.I.314

Born in Africa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eusebius”]

31th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 18.IV.309-17.VIII.309

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Marcellus I”]

30th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 306-16.I.309

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Marcellinus”]

29th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.VI.296-25.X.304

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Caius”]

28th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 17.XII.283-22.IV.296

Born in Dalmatia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eutichianus”]

27th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 4.I.275-7.XII.283

Born in Luni[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Felix I”]

26th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 5.I.269-30.XII.274

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Dionysius”]

25th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 22.VII.259-26.XII.268

Born in Unknown[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sixtus II”]

24th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 30.VIII.257-6.VIII.258

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Stephen I”]

23th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 12.III.254-2.VIII.257

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Lucius I”]

22th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … VI or VII.253-5.III.254

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Cornelius”]

21th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 6 or 13.III.251-… VI.253

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Fabian”]

20th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: … 236-20.I.250

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anterus”]

19th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21.XI.235-3.I.236

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pontianus”]

18th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 21.VII.230-28.IX.235

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Urban I”]

17th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 222-230

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Callistus I”]

16th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 218-222

Born in [/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Zephyrinus”]

15th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 198-217 or 218

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Victor I”]

14th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 186 or 189-197 or 201

Born in Africa[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Eleutherius”]

13th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 171 or 177-185 or 193

Born in Nicopolis (Epirus)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Soterus”]

12th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 162 or 168-170 or 177

Born in Fondi[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anicetus”]

11th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 150 or 157-153 or 168

Born in Emesa (Syria)[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Pius I”]

10th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 142 or 146-157 or 161

Born in Aquileia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Hyginus”]

9th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 138-142 or 149

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Telesphorus”]

8th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 127 or 128-137 or 138

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Sixtus I”]

7th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 117 or 119-126 or 128

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Alexander I”]

6th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 108 or 109-116 or 119

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Evaristus”]

5th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 99 or 96-108

Born in Greece[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Clement”]

4th Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 92-99

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Anacletus or Cletus”]

3rd Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 80-92

Born in Rome[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Linus”]

2nd Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope from: 68-79

Born in Tuscia[/icon_timeline_item]
[icon_timeline_item time_title=”Pope Peter”]

1st Pope of the Catholic Church

Pope until: 64 or 67

Born in Bethsaida of Galilee[/icon_timeline_item]