
Social Apostolates

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Sant’Egidio” tab_id=”1499000921523-0-2″]

Community of Sant’Egidio

The different communities, spread throughout the world, share the same spirituality and principles which characterise the way of Sant’Egidio:

  • Prayer: Is an essential part of the life of the community throughout the world. Prayer is central to the overall direction of community life.
  • Communicating the Gospel: The heart of the life of the Community, which extends to all those who seek and ask for a meaning for their life.
  • Solidarity with the poor: Lived voluntarily as a free service, in the evangelical spirit of a Church that is the “Church for all and particularly the poor” (Pope John XXIII)
  • Ecumenism: Lived as a friendship, prayer and search for unity among Christians of the whole world.
  • Dialogue: Recommended by Vatican II as a way of peace and co-operation among the religions, and also a way of life and as a means of resolving conflicts.

If you would like to make contact with the Community of Sant’Egidio at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.

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Justice & Peace

Justice and Peace is a church ministry, the Jesus’ way of life, through which committed Catholics take responsibility to transform injustices in society: injustices against human dignity and human rights; against God’s creation, using scriptures and the Social Teachings of the Church. We the Justice & Peace Chapter at Holy Trinity Parish, help empower people [at our parish and the surroundings], to deal with issues of injustice so as to transform themselves and the society.

Since it is the church’s role to be the conscience of the society, we [JP], take this responsibility at Parish level. Our spirituality embraces the values of Jesus [Faith and Love] and expresses them through words and actions, by building relationships, guided by the Holy Spirit. We meet at least once a month on Sundays after the 9:30 am Mass, usually at 11am and for an hour.

If you would like to make contact with the Justice & Peace Group at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.

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LGBTI Ministry

The LGBTI group aims to provide a safe haven for the LGBTI Christian Community from all walks of life. Our “core mission” is to provide emotional and psycho-social support to the marginalised gay and lesbian community from a Christian point of view.

We meet every fortnight to discuss issues affecting the LGBTI people in this day and age. We also function as a referral point for this community to different service providers, be it legal or health issues. We aim to inform and educate the world on being gay and a Christian. We strive to empower the LGBTI Christian Community. All are welcome.

If you would like to make contact with the LGBTI Christian Community at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.

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Paul” tab_id=”1499000921302-0-4″]

Society of St Vincent de Paul

The Society of St Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organisation of lay Catholics which aims to provide relief to the poor. Our members aim to minister Christ to the poor through service.  We have no membership requirements or any restrictions as to whom we serve and we cater to everyone who is in need of assistance out of love for God. The Braamfontein conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul is attached to Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Braamfontein, adjoining the University of the Witwatersrand.  Our mission is primarily to tend to the needs of people who are homeless in Braamfontein, though we have needy people coming from all around Johannesburg seeking our help.

We have 20 regular members, and are assisted by many volunteers.  Our funding comes largely from the donations of parish members, and we also receive some generous donations from other sources.  We meet after the Monday evening soup kitchen from 6:45 to 7:30 pm.

If you would like to make contact with the Society of St Vincent de Paul Group at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.

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Trinity Health Services

During 2004, Holy Trinity, in conjunction with medical students at the University of the Witwatersrand, set up the Trinity Health Services Clinic to provide medical service to the many street people who come to Holy Trinity on a Monday evening.

If you would like to contribute to the Trinity Health Services Clinic, we would be most appreciative. Donations can be made to Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Please mark your deposit clearly for Trinity Health Services.

The Clinic operates every second Monday at 19h00.

If you would like to make contact with Trinity Health Services, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.

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Trinity Pharmacy

In 2009/10 major alterations were made to the area under the Church so that the growing clinic would have the facilities they needed – consulting rooms and a pharmacy. This was made possible by many generous donations and the hard work of the medical students. It is thus possible, with the help of our Pharmacist, to prescribe medicine. Our Pharmacy was recently evaluated by the South African Pharmacy Council, and received an A rating.

Trinity Pharmacy operates in conjunction with the clinic every alternate Monday evening from 19h00. Pharmacy students, supervised by our qualified and Pharmacist are able to dispense free medication up-to-and-including anti-biotics.

If you would like to make contact with Trinity Pharmacy, please email them at or click here to read more about this apostolate.
