Latest Announcements
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We meet during the 09h30 Sunday Mass after the Gospel.
[tt_timetable event=” event_category=’rcia’ columns=’sunday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday’ hour_category=” measure=’0.25′ event_layout=’4′ box_bg_color=’806754′ box_hover_bg_color=’80461b’ box_hours_txt_color=’80461b’ filter_color=’80461b’ disable_event_url=’1′ text_align=’left’ id=’shortcode_Rcia’ font=’Libre Baskerville:regular’ font_subset=’latin’ font_size=’16]
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is intended to instruct in the Catholic Faith those who are seeking to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church through Baptism and/or Confirmation and Holy Communion. RCIA is your compass to the Catholic Faith.
Who should look into RCIA?
Anyone not yet baptized; anyone baptized but not as a Catholic; anyone baptized as a Catholic who did not yet receive first Communion or Confirmation; fully initiated Catholics seeking fuller catechetical knowledge of their Catholic Faith; and anyone at all looking to learn more about Christianity.
If you would like to undergo the Rite of Christian Initiation at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, please email