Proclaim the Word, sing God’s praises, serve on the sanctuary


In the words of Vatican II, liturgy “…is the source and summit…” of all that we do here at Holy Trinity. Good liturgy always involves the participation of many different ministries, as liturgy means “the work of the people.” Participating in one of these liturgical ministries is one way of sharing time and talent with the communi

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest at the altar and enhance the beauty and dignity of the mass using candles, cross and incense.


In reading aloud the Word of God, and the intercessions of the people, proclaimers help the congregation to encounter the living Word.

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality, or Ushers, have a special role to play whenever God's people assemble for Liturgy. Ushers minister to the congregation through various acts of hospitality, welcoming friend and stranger alike.

Eucharistic Ministers

Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in distributing the body and blood of Christ during mass and take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound.


St Augustine said that he who sings prays twice. Our music ministry strives to lift the hearts and minds of worshippers to God


This ministry involves preparing the altar and vestments before each mass and ensuring that all is in readiness for the celebration of the Eucharist.
