
Parish Notices for the Solemnity of All Saints, Year B

Hungry? Get something to eat after the 09h30 Mass this Sunday!

The Fundraising Committee will sell boerewors rolls, drinks, ice cream, and popcorn this Sunday after the 09h30 Mass. We will also have the First Communion at the 09h30 Mass.

First Holy Communion

We congratulate all the children, their catechism teachers and parents on their First Holy Communion this Sunday.

St. Vincent de Paul

A second collection will be taken on Sunday 3 November. The SSVP would like to thank everyone for your generosity and continued support!

Christmas Lunch for the Homeless

Christmas lunch for the homeless will be on Saturday, 7 December 2024. We are looking for monetary donations and food contributions. For EFT donations, please use “homeless lunch” as a reference. We are inviting volunteers to assist with various tasks. Please write your details on the list on the table at the back of the church.

Road Closure: 17 November 2024

Please note that the Ride Joburg Cycle Race is on Sunday, 17 November 2024, which will affect access to the Church. THERE WILL BE NO MORNING MASSES THIS DAY. Masses will be at 17h30 on Saturday 16 November for Sunday and at 18h00 on Sunday 17 November.

PPC Full Council

The next Full PPC meeting will be on 10 November at 11h00. Members are encouraged to attend.


For all parishioners wishing to baptise their babies, please fill in this FORM. The parish will then contact you to set an appointment with Fr. Russell. The last baptism class for the year is on 23 November, and baptism is on 30 November.

November Pious Lists

During November, Masses will be offered for our deceased family and friends. Pious lists are available on the tables at the entrances to the church. Please fill in the forms and place them in the envelope, together with your donation and return it.

Trinity House Student Residence

Applications are now open for 2025 at Trinity House Residence for students. Please contact for information.

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for November:

We pray with Pope Francis that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community, and may receive peace of heart from the Spirit of Consolation.

Parish Pilgrimage to Ngome

The Parish annual Pilgrimage to Ngome Marian shrine will be on 13  to 15 December 2024, for further details please contact the organisers; Prudence Xaba 0824486067 or Oswald Mokoena 0820861334.