
Parish Notices for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for June:

We pray with Pope Francis that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence, may find welcome and new living opportunities in their host countries.

Fathers Day

We would to wish all the fathers of our community A happy fathers day for Sunday 16th June, may you continue to be good examples to our young people!

Youth Day Public Holiday

On Monday 17th of June will be a public holiday, therefore weekday mass will be at 09h00 and not at 13h15

St. Vincent de Paul

A second collection will be taken on Sunday 23rd of June—Envelopes will be in the pews. The SSVP would like to extend their deepest gratitude for your generosity and continued support!

Biodiversity Competition

Congratulations to 5-year old Teddy Ambarus who wins the prize of the Children’s Wildlife Atlas. His entry, written in his own hand, contains nearly 50 items, including plants, insects, birds and animals.

Farewell to Fr. Bruce

A farewell tea will be held on Sunday 28th of July  after the 09h30 Mass in Trinity Hall, those who wish to contribute to a farewell gift to Fr. Bruce can make a deposit to the parish account with Fr. Bruce as reference.

Archdiocesan Meeting of Families ‘24

The Archdiocesan Meeting Of Families, headed by the Youth Department in collaboration with Evangelisation and Marriage & Family Life, has been instituted as the main annual Youth Month event, it will be on the 22nd of June 2024 at Bosco Centre, Walkerville. The cost per person is R130, parish registrations are close but you can register on arrival on the day.

Jesuit Institute of South Africa ~ 2024 Winter Living Theology

The Jesuit Institute of South Africa will host the 2023 Winter Living Theology led by Dr Jaime Waters and this year’s theme is “The Bible Revisited: Exploring People, Places, and Prayers to Inspire the World”. The Johannesburg session is between the 18—20 June 2024 at Lumko Retreat Centre, The cost per person is R1 950 including lunch and 3 lectures per day. See the notice board for more information.