Parish Notices for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for April:
That the dignity and worth of women be recognised in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world.
St. Vincent de Paul
The next second collection will be taken on Sunday 28th of April—Envelopes will be in the pews. The SSVP would like to extend their deepest gratitude for your generosity and continued support!
Student Confirmation Class
University students who wish to be confirmed may join the Confirmation Class on Sunday, 28th of April at 14h00. This week’s topic is “The development of the Church”
Worker’s Day
On Wednesday 01st of May will be a public holiday therefore weekday mass will be at 09h00 and not 13h15.
Morning Prayer
Will resume next Sunday 05th of May at 09h00.
PPC Full Council
The next full PPC will be on the 05th of May at 11h00
Marriage & Family Life
There will be a meeting of those who volunteered for this ministry, as well as any others interested, on Saturday 4 May, at 09h00 in Trinity Hall.
Farewell to Fr. Lwazi Masina
If any individual or group in the parish would like to make a financial contribution to Fr Lwazi’s farewell gift, please make an EFT deposit or use the Snapscan code on the benches of the church.
Rite of acceptance into the order of catechumens on the solemnity of Pentecost. Register by emailing the parish office on or the RCIA instructor on
Rachel’s Vineyard
Next weekend retreat in Johannesburg will be on Friday 24th of May to 26th of May. Those who are interested may register using this link:
Archdiocesan Meeting of Families ‘24
The Archdiocesan Meeting Of Families, headed by the Youth Department in collaboration with Evangelisation and Marriage & Family Life, has been instituted as the main annual youth month event, it will be on the 22nd of June 2024 at Bosco Centre, Walkerville. Cost per person is R100, parishioners who are interested can contact the parish for registration.