
Parish Notices for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for October:

We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.

Annual Heritage Day Celebration

The Parish Fundraising Committee together with the PFC would like to extend their gratitude to all those who supported and made the fundraising event a success it was!

First Saturday Devotions

This Month’s Saturday devotions will be on Saturday the 07th October at 09h30. We encourage parents and children to attend the morning devotions.

St. Vincent de Paul

The SSVP will also be hosting a morning of reflection for all parishioners, it will be on the 14th of October from 09h00 till 13h00.

Annual Leadership Conference 2023

All leaders are invited to attend the Annual Leadership Conference hosted by the Department of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. The Conference will be on Saturday 21st October from 08h00 till 16h00 at Holy Family College in Parktown. Cost per person is R100. Those interested to attend, please email the parish and you will be registered.

Trinity Monthly Lectures

Trinity Monthly Lectures is an ongoing formation series of lectures which will be on the 4th Sunday of each month. This month’s lecture will be on the 22nd of October at 11am in the Trinity House Hall. This month’s topic is “The Synod on Synodality”. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served after the lecture.

Pilgrimage to Ngome

The Parish will undertake a pilgrimage to Ngome Marian Shrine from 15th to 17th December 2023. Cost per person is R 2100.00. For more information, please contact Oswald Mokoena on 082 086 1334 or Prudence Xaba on 082 448 6067.