
Parish Notices for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for August:

We pray that the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to live and witness the Gospel in their own lives

General Anointing 

As we wrap up the Safeguarding Month, we will have General Anointing with oil of the sick during the 07h30 & 09h30 Mass on Sunday 30th July.

Safeguarding Sunday 2023

Safeguarding Sunday is a unique moment when we are invited to embrace our children and enable them to feel protected and alive. 30th July is Safeguarding Sunday and the  Safeguarding Committee of the Archdiocese has asked that we take a second collection, this is aimed at supporting the work of the Committee.

UJ Campus Mass

We now have Mass on Campus at the University of Johannesburg every Sunday at 12h00, the venue is APK Campus, B Les 103.

Student Confirmation Class

University students who wish to be confirmed may join the Confirmation Class on Sunday 30th July at 14h00.  The topic is “Jesus in the Scriptures: Ascending and Descending Christology”

Lunch Time Mass

On the week of the 07th till the 11th of August, Fr. Bruce will be away on retreat and the lunchtime mass will be affected. We will have communion services during that week.

PPC Full Council Meeting

The next PPC Full Council Meeting will be on the 12th of August at 10h00.

 Jesuit Institute of South Africa ~ 2023 Winter Living Theology

The Jesuit Institute of South Africa will host the 2023 Winter Living Theology led by Fr. David Neuhaus SJ and this year’s theme is “The Bible: Best-Seller of all Times”. The Johannesburg session is between the 05—07 Sept 2023 at Lumko Retreat Centre, cost per person is R1 950 including lunch and 3 lectures per day. See notice board for more information.