Parish Notices for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year A
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for May:
We pray that Church movements and groups may rediscover their mission of evangelisation each day, placing their own charisms at the service of needs in the world.
Student Confirmation Class
University students who wish to be confirmed may join the Confirmation Class on Sunday 14th May at 14h00. This week’s topic is “The Sacraments of healing: anointing of the sick and reconciliation”
Pentecost Novena
The Pentecost Novena begins on the 19th May, copies of the novena will be distributed during the course of the week.
University of Johannesburg Mass on Campus
The Exams Mass for UJ will be held on Campus on the 21st May at the UJ Arts Centre at 12h00
ExtraOrdinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The next training for all those who wish to be extraordinary ministers of holy communion will be on the 20th May at 10am and 21st May at 08h30 and 11h00.
Rachel’s Vineyard
A weekend retreat offering a supportive, confidential, and non-judgemental environment for restoration after an abortion. Book now for the weekend of 19-21 May 2023. Contact 078 534 0386 for more information and to book.
Rite of acceptance into the order of catechumens will take place on Sunday 28th May on the solemnity of Pentecost. Register by emailing the parish office on or the RCIA instructor on
Archdiocesan Meeting of Families ‘23
The Archdiocesan Meeting Of Families, headed by the Youth Department in collaboration with Evangelisation and Marriage & Family Life, has been instituted as the main annual youth month event, it will be on the 24 June 2023 at Bosco Centre, Walkerville. Cost per person is R50, parishioners who are interested can contact the parish for registration.
For all parishioners wishing to baptise their babies, please fill in this form , the parish will then contact you to set an appointment with Fr. Bruce . The next baptism class is on the 15th July and baptism on the 22nd July.
Catholic Nurses Guild
The Archdiocese has a committee which helps whenever there are events, nurses and retired nurses are encouraged to join the group. The next event will be the AMOF and they will need personnel. Contact Ms. Beauty Malete on 083 228 3591 or the Evangelisation Department on 011 402 6400