Parish Notices for the week of the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for April:
We pray for the spread of peace and nonviolence, by decreasing the use of weapons by States and Citizens.
Bishops’ Lenten Appeal
From Sunday, 05 March 2023 until Sunday, 02 April 2023, there will be a second collection towards The Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. Purple Envelopes will be available in the pews.
Prayer Ministry
First Saturday devotions to honour our Virgin Mother’s request for reparations to be made for the sins against her Immaculate Heart. On Saturday 01st April at 09h00 will be followed by Rosary, meditations and an opportunity for confession.
Student Confirmation Class
University students who wish to be confirmed may join the Confirmation Class on Sunday 02nd April at 14h00. This week’s topic is “The Triduum and Easter”
Paschal Meal
On Tuesday 04th April at 19h00 we will have the Paschal Meal in the hall. Packages are as follows: Single Adult (19yrs and above) – R250, Couple—R450, Family (parents and 2 children below 13 yrs) – R550, extra R50 for an additional child and Children 13 to 18 yrs – R150 . For more info, please contact the parish office.
Penitential Service
In preparation for celebrating the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter, we invite all parishioners to join us for the Lenten Penitential Service on Wednesday, 05 April at 18h30. There will be no confessions on Holy Thursday or Good Friday.
Holy Saturday
Parishioners are requested to please donate empty egg trays that will be used for the Easter Vigil as candle holders.
Coffee Table Book
“Called to Serve” A photographic History of the Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg book for sale for R300 a copy. Should you want a copy of this book—please contact Tebogo at the office.
Easter Sunday
On Monday 10th April is a holiday and mass will be at 09h00 and not 13h15