
Parish Notices for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for February:

We pray that parishes, placing communion at the centre, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Training for all new and old Extraordinary Minsters of Holy Communion will take place on Saturday 11th February at 11am.

The Prayer Ministry

In times of trials trepidation and uncertainty, who better to turn to than Our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, honoring her and asking for her intercession and help. The Prayer Ministry Prayer Warriors invite everyone to join them saying the rosary on Saturday mornings at 09h00.

Parish Youth

Meeting with Br. Sechaba and Fr. Bruce  on Sunday 19th February after the 09h30 Mass in the Trinity House Hall. We appeal to all young people of the parish, and especially the parents to encourage and support them to participate in the life of the Church.


The parish will be printing a limited number of bulletins for those who are unable to access the bulletin via website or WhatsApp, please do not take one unless you are unable to get it in any other way.

February House Masses

House Masses will be celebrated at these suburbs: Florida, Berea, Observatory, Parktown, Sandton, Hyde Park and Westdene. For those who would like to attend a house mass, please contact the parish with your preferred suburb via WhatsApp or email and we will connect you with the host family.

Valentine’s Ball

The Central Deanery Youth is hosting a Valentine Ball on the 16th February 2023 from 17h00 till 22h00 at the Cypriot Club in Bedfordview. Tickets cost R400 for general and R700 for couples. Please contact the Youth leadership for more info or for ticket sales.


For all parishioners wishing to baptise their babies, please fill in this form  , the parish will then contact you to set an appointment with Fr. Bruce .  The next baptism class is on the 18th March and baptism on the 25th March.

AA Meetings

AA will be resuming their meetings every Thursday from 17h30 to 19h00 in the catacombs.