
Parish Notices for the Second Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for January:

We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all.

16h00 Mass

The 16h00 Sunday Mass will resume on Sunday, 22 January 2023


Gabriel’s repository has  “Springs of Carmel” Bible Diaries for R150 and 2023 Liturgical Calendar for R30

2023 Catechism Registration

The 2023 Catechism Registration will take place after each mass on Sunday 15th January. Copies of the registration forms are available at the back of the Church


The parish will be printing a limited number of bulletins for those who are unable to access the bulletin via the website or WhatsApp, please do not take one unless you are unable to get it in any other way.

New Arrivals

We welcome Br. Sechaba Liphoko, a diocesan seminarian, for internship—he will be here for 6 months. He will be working in the parish and our schools. We also welcome Fr. Patrick Nolan SJ who will be here from the 21st of January to the 18th of February, he is an American Jesuit doing his last period of training in the Jesuit community in KZN.

February House Masses

During the month of February, Pope Francis asks the Church to focus on building up the parish community. We would like to celebrate masses in the homes of our parishioners for groups of people who either live in the same neighborhood or belong to particular groups, if you are able to host a house mass please email the parish office with your details. This will help us in the process of establishing parish cell groups or “connect groups”.