Parish Notices for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for January:
We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all.
St. Vincent DE Paul
The second collection will be taken on Sunday 29th January —Envelopes will be available in the pews. The SVP would like to convey their deepest gratitude for your generosity!
Trinity Monthly Lectures
This month’s lecture will be on the 29 January at 11 am in the Trinity House Hall. The speaker is Fr. Patrick Nolan SJ who has a background in Catholic Education—the topic is: “St. Ignatius and his educational philosophy” Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be served after the lecture.
Presentation of the Lord
On Thursday 02nd February the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, and a Candle blessing ritual is observed, parishioners are asked to bring candles for a blessing on Sunday at each Mass
The parish will be printing a limited number of bulletins for those who are unable to access the bulletin via the website or WhatsApp, please do not take one unless you are unable to get it in any other way.
February House Masses
During the month of February, Pope Francis asks the Church to focus on building up the parish community. We would like to celebrate masses in the homes of our parishioners for groups of people who either live in the same neighborhood or belong to particular groups, if you are able to host a house mass please email the parish office with your details. This will help us in the process of establishing parish cell groups or “connect groups”.
Valentine’s Ball
The Central Deanery Youth is hosting a Valentine Ball on the 16th of February 2023 from 17h00 to 22h00 at the Cypriot Club in Bedfordview. Tickets cost R400 for general and R700 for couples. Please contact the Youth leadership for more info or for ticket sales.
For all parishioners wishing to baptize their babies, please fill in this form , the parish will then contact you to set an appointment with Fr. Bruce. The next baptism class is on the 18th of March and baptism is on the 28th of March.