Parish Notices for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for January: We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all. St. Vincent DE Paul The second collection will be taken on Sunday 29th January —Envelopes
Pastor’s Corner for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, by Br. Sechaba Liphoko
The Theology of the Psalms Theology or how people think of God is shaped by their experience of God, in the concrete situations of their lives. In general, the Psalms speak of a God who is omnipotent and present in the
Pastor’s Corner for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, by Rev. Billy Davies
January is a time of new beginnings - the beginning of a new year, school, or university, or for some of us, including myself, it is a time of taking on new challenges and making changes. Maybe, like Jesus and