Pastor’s Corner for the Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Year A, by Fr. Bruce Botha SJ
It has been a very busy week, getting ready for the day. Shopping has been done, gammons cooked, trees decorated and presents wrapped. And what has it all been about?
On Christmas Day we remember and we celebrate. We recall and tell the story of how and when Jesus was born. We tell the story of Mary and Joseph being turned away from the inn, we remember that the angels appeared with good news and we remember how shepherds and the kings visited the stable. Then we celebrate the difference Jesus has made not only to the world, but to our personal lives.
Christmas is not just a historical event that happened in the past. The birth of Jesus is an event that echoes and ripples through the centuries right down to us today. Through the birth of Christ, God enters our time and history, and more importantly each of our own personal lives. Christ is Emmanuel, God-is-with-us, and God is with each of us today in a very personal and intimate way.
As Saint Pope John Paul II, wrote, “the mystery of the birth of Jesus that took place over 2000 years ago must be lived today and every day. The Word that found a dwelling place in and through Mary comes to knock on our hearts this Christmas and every Christmas, today and every day.”
This Christmas, while all the celebrations and festivities are taking place, let’s stop, take some time and ask ourselves, what am I remembering? What am I celebrating?
May the Light of Christ and Christ the Light bless our world and fill all our homes and families, this Christmas Day and always. I wish you and all the members of our Trinity family a wonderful and blessed Christmas, surrounded by the love of family and friends.
Fr Bruce Botha SJ