
Parish Notices for the Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for August:

We pray for small and medium businesses, in the midst of economic and social crisis, May they find ways to continue operating, and serving their communities.

Trinity Monthly Lectures

Trinity Monthly Lectures is an ongoing formation series of lectures which will be on the 4th Sunday of each month. This month’s lecture will be on the 28th August at 11am in the Trinity House Hall. The topic is: The role of Women in the Church: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow”. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served after the lecture.

Confirmation Class

The confirmation class for University Students will be on Sunday at 2pm, the session will focus on “The Sacraments of Initiation”.  All are most welcome to attend.

St. Vincent DE Paul

The next second collection will be taken on Sunday 28 August —Envelopes will be available in the pews. The total collection for July was R 2 420.00. The SVP would like to convey their deepest gratitude for your generosity.


For all parishioners wishing to baptise their babies, please fill in this form  , the parish will then contact you to set an appointment with Fr. Bruce.  The next baptism class is on the 03rd of September and baptism on the 10th of September.

Caritas Forum

Meeting for all Caritas volunteers will be on the 04th of September

Life in the Spirit Seminar

Trinity Connect is hosting the Life in the Spirit seminar for the 5 Sundays of September, from 11am till 12h30 in the Trinity House Hall. All are welcome to attend.

Heritage day food festival

The Fundraising Committee will be hosting a Heritage Day Food Festival/Bazaar on the 24 September.  We invite all parishioners to come experience delicious traditional foods, from diverse communities within our Parish community

Annual Leadership Conference 2022

All leaders are invited to attend the Annual Leadership Conference hosted by the Department of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. The Conference will be on Saturday 22nd October from 08h00 till 17h00 at Holy Family College in Parktown. Cost per person is R100. Those interested to attend, please email the parish and you will be registered.

2022 Ngome Pilgrimage

Ngome Pilgrimage will be on 16 – 18 December 2022. Price is R1 950 for adults and R1 300 for children, please contact Prudence Xaba 082 448 6067 or Oswald Mokoena  082 086 1334.