

The Pope’s Prayer Intention for July:

We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people: May their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.

Funeral notice

It is with sadness that we inform you of the death of Fr. Russell’s mother—Patricia Pollitt. She will be buried on Saturday 23rd July. The requiem mass will be at 11am here at Holy Trinity. Eternal rest grant unto her Oh Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon her.

Trinity Monthly Lectures

Trinity Monthly Lectures is an ongoing formation series of lectures which will be on the 4th Sunday of each month. This month’s lecture will be on the 24thJuly at 11am in the Trinity House Hall. The topic is: The man Ignatius, His Spirituality, and his relevance for us today”. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served after the lecture.

Confirmation Class

The first confirmation class for University Students starts today at 2pm, the session will focus on “Getting to know God”.  All are most welcome to attend.

St. Vincent DE Paul

The next second collection will be taken on Sunday 31 July —Envelopes will be available in the pews. The SVP is also organizing a blanket drive for the homeless peoples during this winter. We invite each parishioner to donate R 90 for a blanket. Please EFT your donation to Society of St Vincent de Paul Standard Bank Acc 20 264 853 2 – Code 004805 with ref “Blankets

Formation for Proclaimers

New proclaimers are invited to attend an hour of formation, either on Saturday 30 July or Saturday 6 August, from 09h00 to 10h00.

Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

This training is for current Extraordinary Ministers and anyone else who would like to participate in this ministry. It will take place on on Saturday 30 July or Saturday 6 August, from 09h00 to 10h00. Ministers need to be baptised and confirmed members of the community.

Formation for Catechists

This will take place on Saturday 6 August, from 10h00 to 12h00. This is for current catechists, and for all of those who have spoken to Fr Bruce about volunteering for this ministry.

RCIA—Adult Baptism & Confirmation

Classes for adult baptism and confirmation have begun. If you wish to join, please contact Victor Houliston at 082 688 5988 or for more details and to sign up.

Parish Pastoral Council

The next PPC Full Council will be on the 13th August at 10am in the Trinity House Hall.  Should you wish to contact the PPC directly, please contact them on